Computer Laboratory

A Computer lab is a space which provides computer services to a students, teachers and other staff. The Computer lab serves as the center for teaching computer to whole classes, usually by computer teacher. Classroom teachers also use the lab with their classes for research, or for creating technology-based projects. Students, faculty and staff have access to the computer labs, which provide the tools and technologies to produce websites, edit papers, complete class assignments, communicate via email and conduct data analyses.
The Computer Lab of Air Force School Jorhat is equipped with 20 PCs. The lab is air-conditioned and well equipped with desktops, scanner, printer, photocopier, projector/TV which makes learning fun for the learner. Computer training is given from classes 1 to XII. Training is also provided to teachers so that they are well versed with integrating technology with education. It has advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software which cater to the requirements of the students, teachers and the curriculum.

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About AFS Jorhat
Air Force School JorhatAir Force Station, Jorhat
Rowriah, Jorhat : 785005 (Assam)
Phone : 0376-2957087, 94357-47195