Art and Craft

Arts and crafts as a subject is a must for children and young kids in the formal education. There is no doubt that arts and crafts are fun activities for kids. Be it coloring with crayons or making miniature statues from clay, folding paper to create fine origami or designing a handmade birthday card, there are several arts and crafts activities, which can enhance the interest of the children and exploit their artistic potential. By introducing arts and crafts to the students and involving them in such activities in schools, you will invest in building their cognitive, physical, and social development.
Art and craft helps to improve their co-ordination and fine motor skills.
Makes them more creative and productive.
It helps them to socialize.
It helps them to develop other skills.
Air Force School Jorhat students have done well in pebbles painting diya decorations, rangoli competitions, Ikebana competition. In our school's Science exhibition there is always a corner for craft depicting the fantastic ideas presented by the students. Our students are very innovative and they are always ready for art competition of diffrent themes like Swachh bharat abhiyan, road safety, Gandhi Jayanti, Kargil day. In our school Annual day stage decoration and field decoration are also done by students under the guidance of teacher.
Under the able guidance of the art and craft teacher, the children undertake many fun filled projects involving cutting, pasting, drawing and colouring.